Counting Down to the Masters

Hole In One International

Are you looking forward to The 2012 Masters Tournament?   Here at Hole In One International the arrival of The Masters represents the official start of our favorite season of the year … “Tournament Season”!

Over the next few weeks we invite you join us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus as we share tips and suggestions for increasing golf tournament attendance and sponsorship, fun and fascinating golf trivia, and a variety of promotional ideas that will make your next golf event even more exciting, not to mention more effective!

Have a great suggestion for boosting attendance?  Looking to show off how much you raised at your event? Want to share a photo of a big winner? We’d love to hear from you!

And, if you’re ready to kick-off your corporate, charity and golf course tournament in first-class fashion, give us a call today at 800-827-2249 for a free quote!

P.S. Did you know?  This year The Masters will be available to view in 3-D.  WOW.


Categories: Golf, News

6195 Ridgeview Court Suite A | Reno, Nevada 89519