Advertising Your Golf Tournament

Never underestimate the power of advertising your golf tournament! Kristen Hansen, Social Media Marketing Assistant with Hole In One International, shares suggestions for getting the word out about your event.

Create a website for your golf outing
You don’t  have to spend a ton of dough to get the word out about your event.  Putting up a website dedicated to your golf outing is  a perfect way to “tell” everyone about it! Be sure to promote the link to your website.  And don’t forget to update your site regularly! Don’t know how to make a website? Don’t worry about it! There are websites out there that will actually create your own golf tournament page for you, such as TournEvents. The best part? It’s free!

Print advertising
Print advertising is a tried and true method of getting your word out there in the world. Some ideas  would be to send fliers, put an article in your local newspaper or create an online press release. You can even work with your sponsors to include information about your event in their mailers and ads!

Sending invitations
Something as simple as sending out invitations can be a great way to advertise, believe it or not. Once you have all the details of the outing in place, start sending those invitations out! You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see how many interested parties contact you! (Tip: when making your invitations, it’s best to list out multiple methods of contact for people to contact you… i.e. address, phone number, email, website, etc.)

Create social media pages for your golf outing
Chances are your target audience is active in the social media world. Be sure to make a Facebook group and/or Twitter account dedicated to your outing and mention it regularly on your personal or business pages. Depending on the size and type of tournament, you may even want to consider advertising your event in your local area via Facebook. Be sure to keep everyone informed by making regular updates to your group pages.

Announce any discounts or special offers
Encourage people to register for the outing as early as possible! List a cut-off date in your invitation and offer a discount on the price of their foursome if they send in their payment prior to it!  And of course, don’t forget to announce if you’re going to be holding any sort of contests during your outing – especially ones that involve big prizes, such as a hole in one or putting contest!

Give your sponsors maximum exposure
Make sure to properly advertise not only for yourself and your outing but your sponsors as well! Purchase sponsor signs featuring your sponsor’s logo and whatever you do, make sure you know where to place the signage to give your sponsors the recognition they deserve!

Need more ideas? Have any questions? Give us a call at 800-827-2249 or shoot us an email.  We’d be happy to help you out!

Where To Place Sponsor Signage

With the contest signage Hole In One International provides as part of your insurance package, all signage must be placed at its designated hole on the golf course where the advertised prize is being given away, otherwise, it can become a liability.

But, when it comes to sponsor signs (seen here on the left) where you place them, is up to you!

That being said, when putting up sponsor signs at a golf outing, you’re obviously going to want to put them somewhere they will easily be seen.  We’ve asked avid golfer and General Manager with Hole In One International, Carlos Concha, where the best spots to place sponsor signs would be for maximum visibility and sponsor recognition.

According to Concha, “For those who plan on placing a sponsor sign at each hole out on the golf course, you’ll want to place them on the tee box – that way when the player approaches the tee from the cart, the sign is the first thing they’ll see.”

But we’re only purchasing one or two sponsor signs!  What then?

“In this case, you’d want to consider placing one —preferably a ” Sponsored By” sign – out on the first hole.  The registration table is another great location where people are bound to see the sign with your name and/or logo on it.”

Have any other questions about sponsor signs or need more ideas on what you can do to make the most of them and your golf tournament?  Feel free to send us an email or give us a call at 800-827-2249.

P.S. Selling sponsor signs is a great way to increase revenue at your tournament.

Hole In One Tournament Format

Sure, you know what a golf tournament is,  but what does “tournament format” mean in regards to hole in one insurance?

Kristen Hansen, Social Media Marketing Assistant with Hole In One International explains…

With a hole in one tournament format, you’re insuring a prize for each and every player who is playing in the outing that day.  All players must be pre-registered, as hole in one companies rarely insure walk-up or “pay to play” events because it’s difficult to keep track of and determine exactly how many players there were in the event that day.  With a hole in one format, you insure a prize on the par 3 holes of your choice on the golf course and we’ll not only pay out each and every hole in one made on the insured holes but also throw in up to 4 complimentary auxiliary prizes on the remaining par 3s that you didn’t insure for.  Hole in one insurance companies do require a certain minimum yardage -typically is 135 yards.  Wondering what to insure as a prize that day?  Here are some suggestions.

The “tournament format” is ideal for people who want all of the players to get a shot at a prize!  And with the tournament format, you’re not just getting a chance at one prize – you’re getting a shot at several because of the addition of our auxiliary prizes!

Think that it’s impossible to fundraise when you’re insuring a tournament format?  Think again!  Feel free to sell mulligans for players to receive additional shots!  Just be sure not to use them on any of the holes you’re insuring for, as mulligans and/or practice shots will void the policy (this applies to auxiliary prize holes as well).

Getting ready to tee off for a tournament?   Need more facts on the format?  Give us a call at 800-827-2249 or e-mail us.

3 Key Requirements for Successful Hole In One Contest Coverage

You’ve already gotten your golf tournament hole in one quote from us, so what’s next?  Here’s the 3 key requirements you need to meet in order for your hole in one contest coverage to be valid.

  • First, you’ll need to make payment prior to the date of your event!  Hole In One International accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express or check.  Checks mailed through the U.S. Post Office need to be postmarked at least one day prior to your event; we will not accept checks that are postmarked the day of your tournament or later.
  • Next, you must provide a witness (or witnesses, depending on your prize), over the age of 21 years of age, who is not participating in the tournament.  You will need  to adjust the number and kind of witnesses, depending on the value of the prize you’re insuring for, as we covered a few weeks back in this blog post on witness requirements.
  • Finally, the yardage must be measured from the actual hitting area on the tee box to the hole cut in on the green and cannot be lower than the yardage you put on your hole in one application.  (Remember: we only accept holes with a minimum yardage of 135!)

Have questions? We’re here to help! Call us at 800-827-2249 or shoot us an email.

We’ll be happy to assist you!

Don’t Forget Your Witnesses!

As with all golf hole in one insurance companies, Hole In One International has witness requirements.  It is essential that you abide by all witness requirements to ensure the smooth processing of your hole in one or putting contest claim.  After all, you don’t want to possibly be denied the prize you won because you didn’t have the proper witnesses out on the course!

Please note that auxiliary prize holes (if applicable), do not require actual witnesses — only a minimum of two playing partners.

Witness Requirements For Hole In One & Shootout Formats:

  • Prize values $50,000 and less: One witness over 21 years of age and not participating in the event.
  • Prize values $50,001 to $100,000: Two witnesses over 21 years of age and not participating in the event.
  • Prize values $100,001 to $250,000: Two witnesses over 21 years of age and not participating in the event (one of which is a certified PGA professional).
  • Prize values over $250,000: Two witnesses over 21 years of age and not participating (one of which is a certified PGA professional) and a continuous, unedited videotapes from behind the green of all shots taken.


Witness Requirements For Single Putt Contests:
  • Two witnesses over the age of 21 (one of which is a certified PGA professional).


Witness Requirements For Combination Putt Contests:
  • For 10ft and 30ft putts, two witnesses over 21 years of age are required.
  • For the 50ft. or longer putt, two witnesses over 21 years of age (one of which is a certified PGA professional) are required.

Still unclear about any of our witness requirements?  Shoot us an email or give us a call at 800-827-2249 and we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have!

6195 Ridgeview Court Suite A | Reno, Nevada 89519