Golf Contests: Creative Ways To Qualify Players & Fundraise

Insuring a golf contest at your upcoming golf outing that requires you to narrow down your players in some fashion?  Whether it’s a Million Dollar Shootout, chipping contest or other insured contest, here are a few ideas from Hole In One International on how to pre-qualify your player(s) to determine who gets to participate in your golf contests, as well as how to increase fundraising dollars, come the day of your golf tournament!

1.) The Raffle
A raffle is the most common way to pre-select participants for your golf contests.  Players simply pay a fee, determined by the golf tournament committee ahead of time, to have their name entered into a drawing should they want the opportunity to participate in a golf contest.  Place the name of everyone who pays up into a hat, box, bucket, barrel, you name it!  Then, simply draw a name at random to see who the lucky qualifier/golf contest participant will be!  Want to collect valuable marketing information?  When creating your raffle tickets, have a space for each player’s information — email, phone number, address, etc.

2.) Purchasing Mulligans
A mulligan is an automatic “do-over” on a shot, meaning the player can play it again if it was a particularly bad shot.  Charge your players $x per mulligan during your golf outing — just make sure they’re aware that they cannot use any on the designated target hole, if a hole-in-one contest is being insured.  Whoever ends up purchasing the most mulligans will come back at the end of the outing for a chance to participate in your golf contests!  It’s that simple!

3.) Auction
Holding an auction as part of your golf outing?  Whether it’s a live charity auction or silent auction, people are always trying to gain the upper-hand… especially when it’s revolving around the game of golf!  There’s a good chance that the bids during an auction will go very high, generating some great fundraising bucks!  Have the highest bidder come back at the end of the auction to participate in your golf contest for the chance to win big!

Are the gears turning yet?  Can you think of any other great ways to qualify players and fundraise when it comes to insuring golf contests?  Feel free to share them with us!  Or, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 800-827-2249 or email us!

Putting Contests: Single Putt vs. Combination Putt

Did you know that Hole In One International has two different types of putting contests available for you to insure?  We’re here to explain the benefits of both of them, the differences between them and how they both work!

Single-Putt Putting Contests
Single-putt putting contests are designed for a small number of players (we suggest anywhere from 1-5, depending on your budget) who are pre-selected and/or pre-qualified.  The most common method of narrowing down players is a simple raffle; however, feel free to hold the longest drive, straightest drive or any other type of pre-qualifier!  Once you’ve determined who the contestants of your putting contest will be, have them take a 50-foot or longer putt either before or after your golf tournament for the chance to win big, up to $50,000!  In need of some unique prize ideas?  Be sure to check out some of the prize packages we have available!  And if you want the prize value to be above our $50,000 limit, our sister company, Odds On Promotions, can definitely make that happen!  Single-putt putting contests come with a complimentary putting sign which advertises your sponsor’s name as well as the prize to be won — just make sure you send in your Free Putting Sign Order Form (if the paperwork is emailed, faxed or mailed to you) or purchase your putting contest insurance online at least 10 calendar days prior to your event!

Combination Putt Putting Contests
Don’t want to exclude any of your golf tournament players from getting in on the fun?  Then this format’s for you!  Have all of your players begin with a 10-foot putt.  Those who successfully hole the 10-foot putt will move on to a 30-foot putt.  Those who hole the 30-foot putt will then move on to a final 50-foot or longer putt for the grand prize.  If they hole the final 50 ft.+, they’ll win the insured prize — once again, up to $50,000!  Not only do combination puts-putting contests come with a complimentary putting sign, but also a FREE tee prize for each and every one of your players!  Remember: quotes for prize values above $50,000 should be directed to our sister company, Odds On Promotions.  Combination putting contests can also be purchased online via our website.  Just be sure to specify that it’s a combination putt format when you’re creating your quote!

Have any other questions?  Feel free to give one of our contest consultants a call at 800-827-2249 or email us!

Golf Tournament Ideas: Here’s One – Hire the Pro!

Looking for golf tournament ideas for your next outing?  Here’s a great one, especially for non-profit organizations and/or charity golf events: a “Hire the Pro” golf contest!  Hole In One International is here to explain how the contest works, as well as how it can help you increase those valuable fundraising dollars!

Once you have chosen the golf course, golf club or country club where your golf tournament will be taking place, coordinate with the staff to provide you with one of their on-site Club Professionals who is willing to be stationed at the longest/most challenging hole on the golf course.  It’s important to make sure that this particular Club Pro is skilled at making long drives.

Next, while players are playing the course and happen to come across the designated ‘Club Pro’ hole, have your players decide whether or not they would like the Club Pro to take their shot for them (just make sure to choose a hole where no insured hole in one contest or Million Dollar Shootout will be taking place; otherwise, those policies will become void).  Players will be charged a dollar amount of your choice, depending on the size of your golf tournament and the charity (if applicable)’s needs, if they decide that they would prefer the Club Pro to take the shot for them.

If the player’s team could benefit from shaving some points off of their score, a drive taken by a professional might come in handy and be worth the $X for the advantage.  Furthermore, if they see that the other teams are utilizing the Club Pro, the pressure will be on, likely resulting in the decision to pay up for the Club Pro’s shot.  Not to mention if the money’s going towards a good cause, that’s also an added incentive!

Do the math: If you have a full field of 144 players and every single one of them decides to pay $30 for the Club Professional to take the shot for them, that’d be an automatic $4,320 raised towards you and/or your sponsor’s cause!  Don’t want to use the contest as a fundraiser?  No problem!  Take that money and deduct it from the other costs of your golf tournament (food and beverage, golf goodie bags, cost of utilizing the course, etc.) and you’ll find that you’ve ended up paying a whole lot less for the outing!

Are you a big-named company with cash to spare or a renown celebrity golf tournament?  Up the ante tenfold by hiring a Touring Professional to take the shot instead and feel free to charge more!  Use these golf tournament ideas and utilize the ‘pro’ factor in any way, shape or form you can think of to maximize profits!

Looking for more golf tournament ideas?  Contact Hole In One International today at 800-827-2249 or email us for more pointers!  Good luck and be sure to let us know if you end up implementing this particular golf contest — we’d love to hear about it!  Just post to our Facebook page if you’re a fan or send us a Tweet!

Golf Contest Tip: Park Your Prize at Your Golf Outing


Your golf tournament is quickly approaching, and as one of the prizes for your hole in one or putting contest, you’ve decided to team up with your local car dealership to insure a vehicle.  Great choice!  Want to give your new auto sponsor the biggest bang for their sponsorship buck?  Here’s how…

When insuring a vehicle at your golf tournament, you’ll want to have the dealership you’re working with, drive the vehicle that’s being offered out to the course.

According to Zak Woodhead, Risk Manager with Hole In One International’s sister company, Odds On Promotions, “We strongly suggest that the vehicle be driven out on the golf course and parked either on the tee box, or right next to it, for maximum visibility. After all, every golfer has to approach the tee box during a  hole in one golf contest!   Even better, golfers can then open the door to the vehicle, take a seat inside, and experience the pleasant aroma of that new car smell!  Keep in mind that Hole In One International will also provide you with a 30 x 30″ target hole sign, at no additional cost, so you can advertise the hole sponsor’s name/company, as well as a description of the vehicle’s make, model and year!”

As for which hole to place the vehicle on, it all depends on which one is being insured!  Just make sure that the hole is a minimum of 135 yards in length.

For more information on any of our golf contests, or questions regarding vehicle placement for maximum sponsorship value, feel free to give Hole In One International a call at 800-827-2249.  You’re also welcome to email us for assistance!

P.S. Wanting to insure a golf contest that’s not at a golf course?  No problem!  Odds On Promotions, our sister company, has a variety of different golf contests to choose from which can take place any time, anywhere!

Golf Contests Between the 9s: A Great Idea!

High Five PutterHaving trouble deciding whether you should hold your insured putting contest or million-dollar shootout contest before or after your golf tournament?  Don’t feel that you have the time for any golf contests before or after the golf outing?  If the answer is ‘yes’ to either of those questions, then you’ll definitely want to consider having your players qualify, or even participate, in your golf contests “between” the 9s.

After players finish playing the 9th hole on the golf course, have them gather ’round for a chance to sink a 50-foot or longer putt or score a hole in one with one of our various golf contests!  It’s the perfect opportunity to qualify your contestants during this time; otherwise, have them pre-qualify prior to the golf tournament and hold the actual golf contests during that time.  The choice is strictly up to you!

“The great part about the insured golf contests we have to offer is the fact that we’re able to offer flexibility as far as when you’re able to hold them”, notes Kristen Hansen, Marketing Assistant with Hole In One International.  “We realize that each golf tournament will have varying time restraints and we do our best to accommodate each committee’s needs the best we can.  Having the ability to conduct your golf contests between the 9s is a great example of this.”

“A common misconception is the fact that we’re unable to insure a putting contest or million-dollar shootout unless an actual golf tournament is taking place”, Hansen adds.  “This is not at all the case, as putting contests and million-dollar shootouts can most definitely be insured as stand-alone events.  No tournament?  No problem!”

If you have any other questions about holding golf contests “between the 9s”, don’t hesitate to give Hole In One International a call at 800-827-2249.  You can also email us with any questions!

6195 Ridgeview Court Suite A | Reno, Nevada 89519