Puebla, Mex. – Congratulations to hole in one contest winner Anwar Zetuna Monteagudo who recently won a stunning Lamborghini Model Huracán EVO Coupe RWD, valued at over $350,000, and paid for by Hole In One International.
Watch Monteagudo’s impressive prize-winning ace!
Zetuna Monteagudo, 43, won the imported super car during the 21st Annual La Vista Country Club Tournament after he aced the 175-yard, 2nd hole with a 7-iron. It was his first hole in one.
The tournament, which benefits the “Generando Esperanza” Foundation, is hosted by Educathion and Grupo Financiero Banorte, and is considered one of the most important amateur tournaments in Mexico, awarding over 15 million pesos in gifts and trophies for the 188 participants. This year’s event attracted players from outside of Mexico, and had a waiting list of over 70 golfers!
Are you ready to get back in the game? Want to have a hole in one contest winner of your own? We are ready to help you have a great tournament! Give us a call today at 800-827-2249 or visit our website for an instant, and free, hole in one contest quote.
P.S. If you haven’t yet, be sure to download our complimentary Golf Tournament Safety Guide, designed specifically to assist you in hosting a safe event this season!