Borrowed Clubs Didn’t Stop This $500 Winner
Davis, Calif., – Saturday, June 10, 2011 was a great day for Michael Ramos of Davis. Ramos was participating in an annual best ball tournament with three other of his friends at Yocha Dehe Golf Club in Brooks, when the unthinkable happened… he aced the 13th hole, a par 3 measuring 168 yards! What’s more, Ramos didn’t make the hole in one shot with his own clubs: he made it with a borrowed Callaway RAZR X iron and a brand new Callaway Warbird Plus golf ball.
According to Ramos, “Although I’ve been hitting Callaway balls for years, the club was brand new. I actually picked it up in the pro shop after remarking to the girl at the counter that the set of RAZR X’s looked more like works of art than clubs.” And as luck would have it, the gal who was working at the pro shop let him demo the 6-iron during the outing.
When Ramos contacted Callaway Golf after his feat to tell his story, Callaway replied, graciously offering him an amazing prize as a reward for his accomplishment.
Even sweeter… Hole In One International awarded him with a complimentary $500 Visa Gift Card since the hole he aced was one of Hole In One International’s non-target auxiliary prize holes.
Talk about a lucky day!
Want one of your tournament players to be a winner like Michael Ramos? Give us a call at 800-827-2249 or send us an email for a free, no-obligation quote. And if the mood strikes you, don’t think twice about playing with a demo … you might just have the shot of a lifetime!