Pullman, Wash. – Talk about a winning college golf fundraiser! Hunter Hughes recently won $10,000, courtesy of Flatstick Pub and paid for by Hole In One International, during the Washington State University CougsFirst! QB Classic at Palouse Ridge Golf Club.

Hughes qualified to take the 50-foot putt after he came closest to the hole during tournament play. Adding to the fun, one of the WSU play-by-play callers was a witness who not only called the shot, but captured the moment (and post-putt celebration) on his cellphone.
The WSU QB Classic is a college golf fundraiser that gives participants the chance to play with former Washington State QBs as well as network with CougsFirst! sponsors.
Watch his amazing shot, WSU’s amazing promotional videos, as well as the celebration that ensued.
Want to give your tournament participants a reason to celebrate? Looking for other creative ways to engage donors at your college golf fundraiser? To learn more about adding a big prize putting contest to your event, email or give us a call today at 800-827-2249 or swing by our website and get a complimentary, instant quote.